
Mar 23, 2024

Victory on the other side of taking action

It’s already the 11th. I have a list of things I want to execute and accomplish before the end of the month.

Is this month moving fast, or am I moving slow?

I’ve been having moments when I’m aware that I’m resisting. When a thought of action enters my mind, there are times when I hesitate. That leads me to start thinking, which leads to distractions, which then result in delay. Important tasks especially takes me forever to take action.

Like eating.

Feeding myself shouldn’t be a task that requires much thought before taking action. Right? Why do I resist eating for my health or choose to take a different action that goes against what my body is telling me? For example, I’ve been pescatarian since December 2022. I’m pretty disciplined in my diet, with the exception of Chik fil A.

I am DONE eating Chik fil A. Today was my last day. Fries occasionally, but I’m shuckin’ the chicken for sure! I’m for real this time. My new environment, new life and who I am transforming into requires me to resist what doesn’t serve what’s best for my body.


The point I’m making is that me becoming aware of when I feel myself resisting comes with responsibility.

Just do it.

Take the right action in the moment whether the will to do so is present or not.

And now I’m writing.

I was inspired to write, not because I set intentions to (cause I did not), but because I followed through taking an action that led me here.

I get it now. Thank you God.

©I’m No Miss Cleo




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