Ilan Yashuk
1 sostenitore
My First Ever Project

My First Ever Project

May 10, 2024

I've been a track and field athlete in Israel for quite some time now. As my second year in competitive sport rolled in, I started wondering why can't I watch my and others' statistics? Why isn't there a site to summarize mine and other people's performance? I had result tables, but I wanted more...

I didn't see how anyone would build that for me. It didn't seem like someone wanted that app or site to be out there as much as me. Couple of years later, I understood that some did like my idea a lot but of course not enough to invest hundreds of hours in it.

That's why I created

With 14 lines of initial code and lot of passion - The work began. The progress, written in Hebrew (summarized) can be found here. You are more than welcome to explore my other Hebrew progression posts:

and finally, Visuathlete's Instagram.

If you enjoy and use this site for daily or weekly purposes, I appreciate it very much. If you want to contribute even more, you can buy me a coffee in my profile.

Many thanks!

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