ByzanFest 2022

ByzanFest 2022

Nov 02, 2022


Dear friends,

I just wanted to pass along information about an upcoming Orthodox Christian Film Festival that is coming up very soon. ByzanFest is a yearly film festival showcasing films which reflect Orthodox Christian themes, beliefs, culture and values. The films that are showcased at the festival are by Orthodox Christian filmmakers from around the world.

I am also very pleased to announce that my short animated film, Father Gabriel's Chapel, has been nominated for best animated film and will be showcased at ByzanFest.

ByzanFest will be held from October 27 to November 6. For more information on ByzanFest, please visit their website at

Lastly, while ByzanFest is taking place, Father Gabriel's Chapel will temporary be taken down from my website until after November 6. If you would like to view Father Gabriel's Chapel before ByzanFest takes place, feel free to visit

Thank you very much!
Nicholas Tamraz

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