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One Day My Prints Will Come…

One Day My Prints Will Come…

Nov 04, 2021

Sorry about the title. Couldn’t resist. Hope you’re well and looking forward to the weekend.

They say the future of photographs is digital - so much better and long lasting than paper copies. On your phone and safe forever whenever you want them. But is this really the future?

Photographs are printed so little nowadays that when they are people really appreciate them. ickledot’s recently begun to print his favourite photos from games and given them to the players they featured. He tells them they were his player of the match because they created his favourite picture. So far the response has been very positive and people are genuinely pleased to receive them.

And as we move further into this digital era it’s becoming clear that phones, laptops and hard drives are not always as reliable as we think. Not so long ago we stored pictures on floppy disks, then CDs. Whatever happened to them?

Photos and photo albums have been around for decades; more than a century. Long lasting if they’re looked after, they can be shown to family and friends without needing a device. Kept long after rugby careers are over there really is something special about a print.

Which is a long way of saying that if you’ve seen a picture that you like in one of the posts on here or in the collections of matches, they can be bought as prints. Unlike the ones given to players, they’ll be printed professionally and delivered right to your door.

Could be a great gift for Christmas!

Prices are as follows:

A 4in x 6in print is £4.00 (or coffees); 5in by 7in - £5.00; 8in by 10in - £8.00; 8in by 12in - £14.00; 11in by 14in - £18.00; 12in by 18in - £21 and 16in x 20in - £50.

Postage on all items is £5.00. Sorry that in some cases it’s more than the price of the print but if you order several photos you only pay the postage once.

To order prints just tell ickledot the game they were taken at and their number in the collection. He’ll also need your postal address or the address you want the photos delivered to.

Ickledot’s been taking photos of rugby matches for quite a few years now. If there’s one you can remember him taking a while back and you’d like a print of it, let him know, he will still have it.

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