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The generosity and kindness of people

The generosity and kindness of people

Aug 18, 2021

People are so generous and kind. I started my podcast about 10 months ago now and have been feeling my way through all the technology and new skills I have had to master in order to produce a podcast.

I really didn't have much idea of how to go about it to start with and I am sure the quality of the first few were not quite as good as the more recent ones. But people have been so supportive and I have had some lovely comments given from people who have chosen to listen.

I wrote a book called how to be a good Hu(man) in 2020 with the idea of writing down some of the key things young people might be interested in that would help them in their lives. (https://linktr.ee/Iamshokunin)

One of the things about writing a book is that you are always terrified about what people might say - will they like it? Will they agree with what you are saying? I am so grateful to all the people who have supported the book and given kind feedback and this gives me extra energy to continue with the podcasts. I also plan to release another book next year which will build on the podcasting and hopefully continue to support the original book.

My podcast numbers are slowly rising as are the book sales. Don't get me wrong I am never going to do more than pay for the podcasting software and it was never my intention to try and make a business out of this venture. I genuinely only ever thought that it might be interesting for other people and something I would enjoy doing.

So thank you to all of you who follow me and thank you for your kindness and generosity.

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