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Mk4 Architecture | Building Iron Man's J ...

Mk4 Architecture | Building Iron Man's JARVIS IRL

Apr 26, 2022

I've been attempting to build JARVIS from Iron Man in real life as a personal project, in the same way a cosplay fan might dress as Tony Stark, my inner engineer decided to go a slightly...different route. It's my belief that the MARVEL films have inspired a whole new generation of engineers, computer scientists and 'builders'. It's a great honour to be one of them. Anyway, let's get into today's topic.

While Alexa, Google Assistant...Bixby, all have in common is that they don't live on your device. They live in 'the cloud'. The Cloud is just a datacentre, or group of datacentres with servers that you can rent and tailor to your specific requirements.

Perhaps one of the most exciting things about cloud services is the ability to host an always on service for almost no cost. Training ML models is a different story but running inference can be done for little cost and with good enough performance for what I wanted to achieve with my JARVIS project.

So, how does my JARVIS work? In this post I wanted to detail the layout of JARVIS, his high level structure but also what's going on in 'the cloud'. Let's start with the high-level view.

High-Level view

When designing JARVIS, I wanted it to have a server/client architecture. This was directly inspired by my professional work as a ML web app developer. There's also this awesome scene in Iron Man 3 where Pepper Potts is left a message by Tony after his Mansion has been destroyed by The Mandarin. The words "Stark secure server" have been embedded in the back of my brain ever since, it's the first time we see one of Tony Stark's systems reference a remote datacentre, not the Oracle servers we see buzzing away in Tony Stark's basement. Back in the real world, we have better technology than what we see in the movies. It's more industrialised and much too technical even for a film like Iron Man to get right.

Above you can see the high level concept for JARVIS (in it's current MK4 iteration).

You should quickly notice that, while the brains of JARVIS sit in the cloud, his input and output is actually modular. The Mobile App (not yet complete), allows me to talk to JARVIS on the go. The UI client can be any "Web Frame" (Internet enabled display). The Voice capture module can be a headless Raspberry Pi with a simple Microphone array and Wi-Fi connection. Moving onto the audio output, again in theory a headless Raspberry Pi with Wi-Fi and an audio card or speak system. A complete Web App acts as everything above, a system I can log into anywhere in the world and gain access to my JARVIS account. Finally by connecting JARVIS to several IP enabled cameras, he can "watch" my office, home and anywhere else I desire, feeding back information to the other devices.

Output can then be sent to any UI client or Audio output module. This is the ultimate design "Cocoon" of technology.

Taking the concept of modular input/output a little further, it's definitely a lot easier to bring this version of JARVIS into future technologies such as augmented and virtual reality or who knows, maybe even a Neuralink device.

The Server

This is relatively straightforward to understand. We have two key parts. The serverless database hosted by MongoDB's Atlas service, and of course the main server. Currently hosted on AWS but easily migratable to Heroku, Azure or GCP.

The entire server is packaged up as a Docker image. This allows for multiple JARVIS servers to potentially be online at once, but also allows for easy migration between cloud providers.

Within the Docker container, you can see that the server's core modules have been highlighted. Speech-to-text is an API end point, minimising the size of communication turns (and hosting fees). The NLP engine (a whole other post in itself), acts as the main conversation engine. The background worker gives JARVIS the ability to carry out tasks without being prompted and then send through notifications and alerts when needed. The skills engine gives JARVIS the ability to trigger different "apps" quickly. They can also be run by the background worker. For example, weather, news, email, Asana, GitHub actions etc. The database handler simply performs CRUD operations on behalf of JARVIS to log conversation history and build up a knowledgebase that can be used for training -certainly more to do here. The vision module is a collection of vision capabilities for image and video stream processing, giving him the ability to recognise objects, people and even track hand movement etc. The final module is the text-to-speech module, which of course uses a custom Tacotron2 model to generate a Mel-Spectogram and then uses Hi-Fi GAN to convert the Mel-Spectogram to an audio file which can then be streamed back to the user via an API endpoint.

Hopefully this post has shed a good high-level view on the current version of JARVIS. Be sure to check out the progress on TikTok, Instagram or even join my Discord server, full of other fans and developers like me.

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