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Bye 2023! And what is next for 2024...

Bye 2023! And what is next for 2024...

Jan 01, 2024

Hello friends! As always, life ended being more complicated as expected, even if that is not a surprise in Argentina. I was somewhat active in my new YouTube Channel but never with enough time or energy to do a proper and long post like I always like to do.

 So let`s do a quick wrap up of the year regarding my Retro Computing adventures. Thanks to a monthly event that is done in my city called “Cybercirujas” I was able to put my hands through the year in several pieces of retro tech hardware, some of that if reflected in the videos of my channel.

One of things I was able to reflect on was how much tech is just discarded or dismantled without a second thought about giving it a second life or maybe just to ask if it can be useful to anybody. A lot of education regarding this if needed, so I hope that my little grains of sand of this matter can be somewhat useful.

Here a sample of nice pile of motherboards that I saved from ending in E-waste, one of them was sporting an AMD FX 4100 CPU!

Without a doubt one of the highlight was a NEC Power Mate 8100 that was able to rescue along a NEC MultySinc V500 monitor.

You can watch the videos below regarding the restoration process, but I was lucky enough that aside a broken 3.2 GB hard disk, the only thing needed was new RAM and some love. Was my first experience pushing Windows 95 to its limits, so I learned a lot!

Part 1:

Part 1.5:

Part 2:

 And when I revived a "mystery" motherboard, that was quite fun to figure out!

I hope that in this new year I can dedicate more and better time to produce content, not only for my small YouTube channel but also some writing, I think what some subjects to discuss are hard to compress in a video format. But I hope to see everybody also subscribed over there!

 I want to thanks everybody that has collaborated with coffees, even if don`t look like much it has help a lot in some harsh moments here. Argentina now has some possibilities of start to walk a much better path… but that is going to take a lot of time and at least for the immediate future things are still going to be very difficult.

Onward and the best of hopes for 2024!

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