Hello everyone !
After 2 days of work, I'm proud to let you enjoy a major update :) This one won't be about global coverage enhancement, but is focused on bug fixes. Overall, here is the changelog :
Completely re-built from scratch the whole watermask, to avoid white tiles
The watermask is now one single texture : their won't be any overlapping issue, as seen on the VOR16 approach
Ongoing various fixes about the flickering. I've made sure the watermask won't flickerat various altitudes, angles, weathers...
Ongoing fixes about shadows
Known-issue : in a high wind situation >13.7m/s. I'm trying to fix this issue, but it appears to be hard to. I'll try the projected mesh option and see if it work, but i'll need time.
As always, thank you so so so much for your support, this means a LOT for me !