The initial start of wanting to be better starts with recognizing that you need help to feel better. I think a lot of our own stories will inspire those around us but we are afraid to share it. Mainly because we are afraid of being judged, being labeled as crazy and being looked upon as different. But did you stop to realize that when you read another’s story, you find you both have something in common? You find you both suffered the same kind of emotional pain and had no escape from your own destruction?
We still feel that we should hide because we want to fit in. Society has created such a fake world into our minds that we need to look a certain way, dress a certain type and speak a certain voice in order to be loved, accepted and seen as beautiful. So when we are different from this vision, we hide in a corner, hoping that one day, we will be loved for who we are. But the people who speak this way about us will never love us. They will always be glad we are different, unloved and pushed into a corner.
Well, then what are we supposed to do? Great question…we love who we are no matter if we are alone in doing so or not. Without that love from our own heart, we will always be a step behind while those who we wish we suffer will be a step ahead. But get this, they will never leave behind a footprint for us to follow for fear that we will become slightly better. That’s how much they fear you. Use this fear to rise above because this fear is what will get you ahead of those who wish you to fall behind.