Houa Lor
8 supporters
Growth In Me

Growth In Me

Apr 01, 2024

April has arrived and with it a rebirth of events happening in my life. I have a photo shoot scheduled this weekend for my graduation photos. I was crying when I opened it and felt the fabric in my hands. My father’s words of “Write your name everywhere you go,” echoed in my ears as I ran my hand over them. I felt a deep emotion that filled me, constricting my breathing, as I let out heavy breaths. No matter how long it took, no matter how old I am…the thing is, I did it. I just stood there, clutching my cap and gown, crying while thinking of my parents for a whole five minutes.


Turn back around and look at the many steps you have taken to get to where you are. The many chapters you’ve written, the tears you’ve cried and the happiness you celebrated is something you should come to terms with. This is a part of you. This is your history. This is what makes you who you are. No matter if you suffered loudly in front of others or quietly in a corner, this is YOU. Too often, we wish we could go back in time and change something. But do you realize that when you do that, your present wouldn’t be the same? Do you realize that by altering your past, your strength today might not be what it is? By erasing your history, you pretty much erase all you know to be true. So instead of wanting to alter it, learn from it and what should not be repeated, don’t. And if someone can’t accept you for it, then let it go and live for yourself, not them.


Two months left until middle of the year…shocking as it sounds, it’s coming whether we are ready for it or not. The choice to remain the same and not change or change and feel the growth is what you need to ask yourself. So many start out a journey to feel change and when discomfort comes, they set it aside. It’s going to hurt and it’s going to make you not like some choices you have made. But it is also reflection that will help you to grow and see what is wrong in order to make it right. Sometimes only when someone points it out to you can you see that it needs to be let go.


So my question to you is…what is stopping you from being your best?

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