Houa Lor
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Grow Up Gently

Grow Up Gently

Feb 28, 2024

Grow up.


That was what they used to tell me as a kid. Grow up. And I did…then I was told to stop being a child as I grew up. But I couldn’t because naturally I am still young at heart. I was contradicted with their words and I felt lost, not knowing what I was supposed to be. I lost my identity and trying to figure out who I was, was a long journey of fails.


One day, I looked at myself in the mirror and I told the woman looking back at me, “Grow up gently. Take the time to enjoy life.” And that’s what I tell my children every day. Grow up gently. I want them to experience as much childhood as possible because once they hit adulthood, responsibilities come at you like no tomorrow. While still living under my roof, I will take care of everything you need and when you have flown away from the nest, I will always be here for you should you return.


Grow up gently.

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