No matter how hard the days may be, remember that you have been through harder times and you’re still standing. Take a look at your greatest achievements and see how much you’ve done. Sometimes we focus so much on what we have yet to do that we forget the wins we’ve celebrated in our life. We are our worse critics and we can be too hard on ourselves. Most often, we will compare our success to the person next door to us and we will still find some way to nick and pick.
The gentleness we offer to another is often times absent to us. Why do we do this? Because to others, it’s easier to say, “You’re going to be ok.” To us, it’s harder to believe. So we hide away our pain and we hope that somewhere, someday, we will believe what we share to others. The day changes into weeks and pretty soon, a year later, we reflect and either we’ve grown or we have completely lost our way.
Don’t be afraid. You’re not alone. I’ve been there where no hope was found. I’ve cried to the silence and hoped that somehow it would simply understand me. I’ve pushed myself into a corner and just hoped someone would offer me a hand because I didn’t know how to get out. The thing is…you’re not alone and right now, what you need is to ask yourself this question: “If I give in, who is going to be happy?” Pretty much everyone who doubted you. Next question: “Why am I allowing them to win?” Great question! Only you know the answer.
So get up…wipe your tears…and I’ll hold your hand as we begin again.