What is Distorted Luna?
Distorted Luna is a fantasy MMORPG, set in the world of Distorted Luna, for now 1 race - 3 classes and profession system.
Is the game available to play?
At the moment Distorted Luna is not playable but we will be running alpha tests very soon.
What is the current state of the game?
We are currently adding and polishing core features such as the combat, profession and questing systems.
What are the key features of Distorted Luna?
➤ Explore multiple different zones and dungeons fighting a variety of enemies.
➤ Level up your combat and profession skills to progress your character.
➤ Experience the lore of the world and powers of Distorted Luna
➤ Play with your friends and guild mates to help fight stronger monsters.
➤ Become a crafting master by perfecting your profession and crafting skills.
➤ Battle epic bosses in dungeons or regional / world bosses or at special events.
How does the skill system work?
In Distorted Luna you have a skill for everything which indicates your proficiency of a skill. You will be given new classes with new set of skills at certain levels
Changing Job(Classes) :
Level 10 - 1st Job Selection (Currently in the test, will be capped at level 30.)
Level 30 - 2nd Job Advance