Laravel Help Desk

Laravel Help Desk

Sep 19, 2022

Laravel Help Desk

Help Desk

Help Desk is a Laravel based project, that let you manage your support tickets and communicate with your customers, with a beautiful and simple to use platform.

Help Desk is based on the latest version of Laravel and many other Open Source packages and technologies.


The application is developed using Docker to make it simple to you to quick start development.
So before executing the application make sure you installed docker (


Follow the below steps to install and serve the application:

  1. Clone the project git clone

  2. Install dependencies:

  • Back dependencies composer install

  • Front dependencies npm install

3. Install docker container ./vendor/sail/bin up -d

4. Database migration: using the docker terminal for laravel.test-1 container run this command php artisan migrate

5. Database seed: using the docker terminal for laravel.test-1 container run this command php artisan db:seed

6. Optional if you wan’t some demo data:

  • Visit the PhpMyAdmin configured in docker compose

  • Use the database help_desk

  • Import the SQL script file {APPROOT}/database/helpdesk.sql

7. Before you can serve the project, you need to build assets:

  • For development env you can use npm run dev

  • For production env you need to build asset for prod env with npm run build

Important: If you used the demo data, you can use the following user accounts:

That’s it, now you can visit http://localhost to use the Help Desk application.


The Help Desk application comes with a lot of features since its first version:

  • A full Authentication system: Login, Forgot / recover password

  • Projects management: You can create and manage multiple projects in the same instance

  • Tickets management: You can manage tickets with multiple criterias (types, statuses, priorities, …) and assign them to users

  • Kanban Board: You can also manage your tickets as Kanban Board

  • Users management: You can administrate your application by managing users having access to it with multiple roles

  • Notifications: A basic notifications system is set on the application to send notification as emails to users and also seeing them on the application in a dedicated page

I let you test the application for more information on these different features.

Framework & Plugins

The Help Desk application is based on Laravel and many other plugins & packages, the main ones are:


  • PHP 8+

  • HTML / CSS / JavaScript

  • SQL (MySQL): but you can change it as you like


Plugins & Packages


All contributions are welcome, ideas, code, tickets, … ALL :)


Enjoy it!

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