Every year I say I am done adding to the haunt and then I start building new props. There is always “more” I can do. This “more” is produced in my coffee fueled mania throughout the year. The more you donate, the more coffee I can drink, the bigger the increase in the mania, and the more I can get done.
It is the second week of August and I am falling behind on my new props, the three Wendigos. My assistant had to go back to school so I am trying to finish up these props on my own. At the last minute I decided to add a rocking chair for one of the Hellbillies so I need to buy and install the motor to make the chair rock.
As I go along I take pics and video of the prop build and set up and will be editing and uploading those throughout September and October.
I need coffee. I need your support.
There are many ways to help out Hellbilly Holler and get yourself something nice in the process. I have tshirts and all kinds of swag here: https://www.teepublic.com/user/hellbillyholler
Please check the website for location, merchandise, information, and updates. As we get closer to Halloween I will be announcing the scheduled opening. There are links to the props, lighting, and equipment used in the haunt so you know where to buy stuff. You can subscribe to our newsletter from there as well. https://www.hellbillyholleraz.com/
On our Facebook page I will be uploading photos and videos of the prop build and set up so you can see how it’s coming along. There will also be live streaming and last minute announcements there on our opening times and activities. https://m.facebook.com/hellbillyholler
Every year I do a short film of Hellbilly Holler. Expect the new one sometime in December 2021. Here is a link to Hellbilly Holler 2020. Please like and subscribe to our YouTube channel.