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I want to

I want to

May 03, 2021

I want to…

 Dream and create fantasies around your name

 I want to…

 Heal the hurt and erase the pain

I want to…

 Touch you slowly, senseless, mindless

I want to…

Make you believe in things unreal and make your heart race at record speeds

I want to…

Love you, caress you, hold you, and show you

I want to…

Teach, preach, and at some point beseech…begging you for more

It’s as far as our imaginations can take us, fantasies never end, never has to end

I want to…

Light your world, burning slowly, steadily continuously for you

I want to…

Reach out and touch, and feel and…

I want you…

I want to make it real, unfeigned and true

I want to…

Love you...only you

And when the clouds come out and block the sun, I want to light your path and keep you warm…

Your fantasy could be your destiny but only if…

You want to

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