First Post

Dec 13, 2020

I wanted to share a portion of the blog post that I put on my website today, as it covers this new step in my journey.

"A lot of my favorite AuthorTubers talk about their Patreon and the things that subscribers can do to help support them. It’s a brilliant way for them to give people who want to show their support a way to do that, while also offering special extras for people who are interested in getting a little something more for their support, as well.

Especially as someone who understands how far fetched the dream of being a full-time writer is for most authors, I get it.

Buymeacoffee is another site that is very similar to Patreon, and an ad for it popped up in my newsfeed. There was a picture conparing the two sites, and something told me to look into it.

So I did.

I reached out to my friend and alpha reader and asked her if she knew anything about it, and we both jumped down the rabbit hole looking into it.

It feels so weird setting up an account for myself. I know we’re all our own worst critics, but what do I have to offer? Why should I think I deserve anyone’s support? I’m not a published author yet.

But who am I to make that decision for somebody else?

I’ve already had an endless amount of encouragement and support from so many people who have been following me on this journey. And some of them have asked if there was anything else they could do.

I heard somewhere that if someone is where you want to be, you should pay attention to what they did to get there. Now, obviously, that isn’t always a good idea. But the people whose own journies I’ve been following on social media are good people who are making their dreams come true.

I started a blog talking about my writing journey. I made a YouTube/AuthorTube channel. I set up my author website without even having published a book or knowing what I was doing. I gave myself a unique brand with 'Foggy Fiction' and I started treating this like a career rather than just a dream or a passion.

And now I’m taking another page from their book, and setting up my buymeacoffee page.

I’ve said a lot that this journey has made me feel very vulnerable, and I think doing this has made me feel that the most. It’s weird putting yourself out there and saying, 'Hey, you can offer your support if you want.' Especially when your inner critic is telling you that you don’t deserve it.

Impostor syndrome is hitting me hard right now.

But, again, who am I to decide for someone how they want to offer their support?

So, that’s that. I’m sick with nerves over it, but it’s out there.

Check out my YouTube channel tomorrow for a new video and again on Monday for the next poetry writing challenge.

Thanks for the love you’ve given me over the past few years, and enjoy the happy moments."

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