I need your help!

I need your help!

Apr 16, 2024

Hello Harpscapes community!

As many of you have seen, we recently surpassed 200 Harpscapes, which is unbelievable! I couldn't have continued releasing these videos without your support, so thank you. Because the list of Harpscapes is now so extensive, I've had the opportunity to curate many of the tracks and release albums. This helps you receive specific benefits through musical collections. I narrow my selections down thoughtfully so that, whether you listen to the album straight through or on shuffle, you will feel the profound effects of the music.

You can see all the current albums as well as other digital offerings here: https://www.harpscapes.art/shop

Now for the real reason I am reaching out. I need YOUR help!

I have received messages from many of you over the years, letting me know when a Harpscape has had a particularly spiritual effect on you. It has either helped you connect to yourself, the Universe, or a higher power. Sometimes it becomes your choice of prayer music. Other times it helps release really deep emotions. These benefits transcend the typical "relaxation" and "stress relief." They reach new levels, sometimes beyond our consciousness.

I want to know: Is there a Harpscape that has been spiritual for you? This word "spiritual" can mean whatever you want, but it's one of those "you know it when you feel it" moments.

Please let me know which Harpscape(s) have given you this reaction. It may end up on an album! Feel free to respond to this email, or go into this post on Buy Me A Coffee and leave a comment.

Thank you for letting my music bring you peace. It has certainly been a journey of deep, soulful connection for me as well.


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