A report detailing what we have been do ...

A report detailing what we have been doing all these months with your money

Nov 12, 2021

Please Scroll down for the English Version. Thank you.





  • 上載100+個粵文分級故事,YouTube達2.5k+訂閱,瀏覽次數達60,000 +

  • 出版40本實體粵文分級 (1至4級) 繪本故事書

  • 冚唪唥粵文教室,幼稚園學前粵語程度/入門學習嘅聆聽理解課堂 (8堂-共24小時學習內容)

  • 新增網站內容:軟件工具、其他學習資源(e.g. 粵拼學習及冚唪唥故事與學科內容)、Blog、網上訂購

  • 香港書展(2021年7月14至20日),本計劃第一次同公眾接觸,唔少人都對冚唪唥感興趣並購買圖書支持



  • 作家及插畫家招募

  • 收集及編輯第5-7級嘅粵文故事,每個程度最少有20個故事

  • 連結組織、社區及學校,推薦冚唪唥資源




  • 一家大細:培養小朋友閱讀習慣,一家大細享受閱讀廣東話嘅樂趣

  • 外國朋友:粵英逐詞翻譯加粵拼,學廣東話冇難度

  • 教育界朋友:粵文英文故事都有,放喺圖書館畀學生睇下都唔錯

  • 社福界朋友:從粵語入手學中文,非華語小朋友話唔定好鍾意

  • 香港人:支持廣東話文化同創作,廣東話就係最好嘅手信!





【Hambaanglaang Report】

Dear Supporter, here is a short report on how we have been spending the money you have so generously been contributing to the project

Short-term achievements:

  • 100+ Cantonese graded stories were published, 2.5k+ subscribers on Youtube and 60,000 + website visits.

  • 40 printed graded readers (HBL Level 1-4) were published to test the market. 

  • HBL Cantonese Classroom, 8 lessons, 24 hours of pre-kindergarten/ Adult early learning Cantonese listening comprehension learning materials were published

  • New content on HBL website: Software Tools, Other Learning Resources(e.g. Jyutping learning lessons and Curriculum linked stories), Blog & Shop have started.

  • 14-20 July 2021 Hong Kong Book Fair. Being our first contact with the Hong Kong public, we received generous interest and book sales from the Hong Kong book fair audience.

What we are doing now:

We are in the middle of our second writing season. We hope to finish 100+ stories.

  • we are recruiting new writers and illustrators 

  • Collecting and editing level 5-7 Cantonese stories to have a minimum of 20 readers at each level of our scale

  • Connecting with organisations, communities and schools to promote HBL resources

HBL’s ultimate goal: Publish 1000 Cantonese graded stories! 

To continue the project and make this goal achievable, you have been of tremendous help with your financial backing of the project.

As Christmas is around the corner, we request you to kindly consider promoting us as a gift idea.

Here are the reasons that HBL’s Cantonese graded readers are a perfect gift

  • Families: Nurture the habit of reading, experience the joy of reading in Cantonese

  • Non-Cantonese speaking friends: Cantonese-English word-by-word translation and Jyutping, storytelling, a natural way to learn any language

  • Educators: Cantonese and English stories in the 1 book, best collection to put in school libraries

  • Social workers: Learning Cantonese/Chinese through stories, Non-Chinese speaking children will love them

  • Hongkongers: Support Cantonese creation. Cantonese and its culture are best reflected as a gift from Hong Kong!

There is just one number to keep in mind. We need a sale of 1000 sets of our book collection to cover costs and write the next batch of stories. We are at the halfway mark. 

With a 1000 supporters like you, we will get there !

Thank you 

The HBL Team

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