Some flowers have teeth.

Some flowers have teeth.

Apr 02, 2023

Once very long ago Clytie, a beautiful nymph, caught the eye of Helios, the god of the sun. He pursued her with all his charm, and she fell deeply in love. However, when a mortal princess caught Helios's attention, he abruptly ended his relationship with Clytie, leaving her heartbroken and devastated.

Clytie refused to accept the betrayal and took matters into her own hands. She confronted Helios, demanding an explanation for his actions. Helios, taken aback by her boldness, tried to dismiss her, but Clytie persisted. She spoke up for herself and refused to be silenced by his power and influence.

In the end, the princess was punished for her actions and Clytie found solace in her newfound strength and self-respect. She realized that she was more than just a lovestruck nymph and that she had no desire for such a fickle shallow suiter. Rather than succumbing to despair, she embraced her anger and used it to fuel her transformation.

As the sun rose each morning, Clytie stood tall, proud, and defiant, with a smile that said "I won, you fucker." She transformed into a radiant sunflower, a symbol of her resilience and unbreakable spirit, and watched as Helios crossed the sky with a sense of triumph, not longing.

She bloomed.


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