Christian and Jewish Zionism

Christian and Jewish Zionism

Jun 16, 2024

In the immortal words of Depeche Mode “Reach out Touch Faith.” — Personal Jesus

Since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict has remained a focal point in the geopolitical landscape. Despite widespread international support, including backing from the U.N. and the U.S., efforts to reach a two-state solution have yet to yield a final settlement after decades of negotiations. The tensions between the Jewish state of Israel and Arab communities have remained strained. Throughout this process, the United States has consistently aligned itself with Israel, receiving more foreign aid than any other country globally. This dynamic has contributed to the significant influence of the Israeli lobby in the U.S. Interestingly, the largest support for this lobby does not primarily come from Jewish Americans but rather from Evangelical Christian Fundamentalists in the Bible belt.


Megiddo, Israel, holds significance as the envisioned site for the final showdown in the Book of Revelation. The prophecy suggests that Russia, Iran, Ethiopia, Libya, and Turkey will invade Israel at the Valley of Megiddo. According to this belief, the event is anticipated when Israel achieves full Jewish statehood. Consequently, numerous Christians from Texas make an annual pilgrimage to this location, considering it a tourist destination tied to biblical prophecy. Contrary to common perception, the primary support for pro-Israeli lobbies in the United States comes not from the Jewish community but from Christian Fundamentalists. These individuals overwhelmingly believe in the right of the Jewish state to exist based on their interpretation of divine guidance.

Cornerstone Church stands out as one of the significant supporters of Israel, with John Hagee ministries contributing approximately $70 million to the state of Israel. Notably, Christians United for Israel holds the distinction of being the largest pro-Israel lobby globally, surpassing even AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) in size and influence

60 Million of American Christian Fundamentalists actively support the pro-Israel lobby, a significant contrast to approximately 14 million Jewish individuals in the United States. The financial backing from Christian fundamentalists is substantial. The alliance between American Christians and Israel is rooted in the belief that once Israel gains full control, it will usher in the second coming of Jesus. This group is unwavering in its stance on retaining the West Bank and Gaza Strip, viewing the conflict and, unfortunately, the tragedy of many Palestinians as a self-fulfilling prophecy aligned with their theological beliefs.

According to their beliefs, “The Lord Himself will defeat the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and Satan will be bound, with Jesus crowned Lord of Lords.” Revelation 13:1–10 titled, “The Coming Antichrist.”

Notably, there exists an End Times tour, prompting the question of whether God is the ultimate real estate agent?

Some groups leverage the voting strength of their followers to gain support in Washington. This raises the question of the role played by religious affiliations in shaping political alliances. Joe Biden himself identifies as a Zionist.

Courtesy: The Hill

Israeli Occupation in the West Bank

The presence of Jewish settlements in the West Bank is a matter that stands in opposition to international law, prompting inquiry into the motivations and circumstances surrounding this phenomenon.

— AHMAD GHARABLI / AFP — Getty Images

“They watch us, we have no freedoms.” said a palestinian mother of 2. It is not uncommon to have trash thrown at you, for simply being a Palestinian.

Israeli soldiers, commonly know as the IDF, maintain a constant presence, observing from close proximity, sometimes just within feet of Palestinian kitchen windows. The lack of employment opportunities for Palestinians in the region has led to a situation where they are now involved in constructing settler communities, a development met with considerable discontent. Interestingly, these settlements exhibit a luxurious appearance, resembling a more upscale version of what one might find in Los Angeles.

In East Jerusalem, Arab homes are being demolished on the grounds of being deemed illegally constructed. Critics argue that this is perceived as another strategic move by the state of Israel. The justification for these demolitions is often linked to the belief that God promised this land to the Jews. Additionally, there are concerns raised about disparities in resource allocation, as settlements receive more water than Palestinian communities in the region.

The question arises: How can humanity stand by and witness the carnage and bloodshed unfolding, all in the name of the second coming of Jesus Christ? Contemplating the cost in Palestinian lives for the realization of this prophecy prompts reflection. The ethical consideration extends to whether Jesus himself would endorse such bloodshed. The decision on these matters lies with each individual.

Note from the Author: This is independent journalism and I am writing articles as I am uncovering new information.


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