Delivery of bread to Siversk (30 kilomet ...

Delivery of bread to Siversk (30 kilometers from the frontline)

Jan 26, 2024

"Bread is the warmest welcome" they say, and nowhere does this ring truer than in the embattled town of Siversk, a mere thirty kilometers from the frontline chaos of Bakhmut.

The journey is treacherous, roads laced with mines make each delivery a testament to the bravery of our volunteers. Amidst the scarcity of resources, these heroes traverse danger to bring sustenance to a town where stable food supply is a memory.

In Siversk, time stands still amidst the ruins. The brave souls here, many of them pensioners, endure without gas, electricity, or water. With the cruel bite of frost setting in, survival hinges on the warmth of makeshift stoves in battered basements—sanctuaries against the relentless shelling. There are no lulls in the bombardment, no safe hours. The echoes of artillery are a grim reminder of the proximity of the occupiers.

Amidst this chaos, the simple comfort of fresh bread becomes a luxury—a luxury that Good Bread volunteers have risked everything to deliver. Each loaf we bring carries with it a message: You are not forgotten. Our volunteer's journey through mined roads to personally deliver bread is a journey of hope, kindling a flame of solidarity in the hearts that await our arrival.

Your donations transform into more than just aid! They become a lifeline, a presence, a shared moment of humanity in the face of adversity. Each donation is a building block for faith and resilience in the frontline communities. We're here to say, thank you. Thank you for recognizing the value in remembering those who hold the line. Your support is their strength. Help us continue this mission. Support our next delivery of hope—donate us and let's keep the warmth of solidarity alive.

#GoodBreadForGoodPeople #SiverskStrong #FrontlineHeroes #BreadOfHope #DonationsMatter #SupportFrontlineUkraine #Supportukraine #bread #Humanitarianaid #Ukraine

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