Timeline and Goals

Timeline and Goals

Dec 23, 2020

Below are the immediate tasks, sorted by urgency, that are in progress. More items will be added as we cross out complete work.

Back-end/Engineering Tasks

Users can:

(DONE) Access a demo of back-testing and task feature without authentication.

(PENDING) Create an account and sign in with email and password.

(PENDING) Create and delete scripts.

(PENDING) Back-test a script, given an exchange, symbol, and date range. List of trades and logs produced by the script must be available. (requires a simple migration of the demo feature into the official web app).

(PENDING) Run a task and view output logs.

(PENDING) Connect an exchange using API key and secret.

(PENDING) View exchange balance and average buys value of each symbol.


Front-End/Design Tasks

  1. (PENDING) Generate funds to hire front-end designer/engineer.

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