[Despite the overwhelming odds and poor supply lines, Ukraine appears to be doubling down in Avdiivka. Recent reports have suggested that Ukraine is sending in additional forces, and is not retreating. This is likely a symptom of Syrskyi now being the new Commander in Chief; Zelenskyy has shown an extreme reluctance to cede any ground even if militarily advantageous, a mindset that Syrskyi seems to share. Despite the reinforcement, Russian troops are still advancing through central Avdiivka.
In addition, Russian troops have advanced on both flanks of the "Zenit" base south of Avdiivka. The Ukrainian garrison is at an extremely high risk of being cut off entirely, separate from southern Avdiivka also being at risk of being cut off.
Photographs have shown that two HIMARS sustained relatively light damage and were returned to the United States for repair. Allegedly, this happened many weeks ago. Assuming that this was not a friendly fire incident, this is the first known successful attack by Russia against Ukraine's HIMARS units, which have proven to be quite difficult for Russia to track down. Russia has released much footage in the past of them attacking alleged HIMARS, but these were all either fakes, confirmed to have hit dummies or other equipment, or simply be extremely implausible; such as a strike on the second floor of a building.
As previously reported, additional reporting has confirmed that Zelenskyy is planning on attending the Munich Security Conference. Today's reporting has stated that plans have been drawn up for Zelenskyy to also visit Berlin and Paris while outside of Ukraine, but that these plans are not yet finalized. It's worth mentioning that German Chancellor Scholz recently met with Biden in Washington, DC, and Ukraine was a primary subject of their talks.
Tensions relating to Polish farmers are worsening, as some of the protesting Polish farmers purposefully spilled some Ukrainian grain that was situated in trucks. The Ukrainian embassy has requested a "strong" response. Poland's government is so far carving a middle path, acknowledging the grievances of the farmers and demanding concessions in their favor. But at the same time, Poland has acknowledged the importance of trade and aid for Ukraine.
Aid from the United States is coming closer to possibly being passed, as the combined bill for assistance for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan passed numerous procedural hurdles. Some prominent Republican senators have also expressed their support for the bill. However, it still seems likely to fail in the House, even once it (presumably) passes the Senate.