Ahead of rumored but not confirmed indictments form the International Criminal Court, Israel continues to protest against them. Today they threatened to undermine the Palestinian Authority if indictments are handed down against Israel. This is similar to the vague statements made by the United States about unspecified reprisals against the ICC if indictments are indeed coming down the pipeline.
China has entered the scene, announcing that rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah may be willing to form a temporary unity government. This would almost certainly rope the West Bank further into thr ongoing conflict, as the most dominant Palestinian faction in the West Bank is Fatah. However< China does have something of a orefede t for easing tensions in the region. In recent history they notably manages to secure a detente between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Meanwhile, the United States hasn't had any luck with its push for a ceasefire, and rumors are flying that Saudi Arabia and the United States are now considering a security deal without Israeli or Palestinian involvement. Previous policy was pushing for a grand bargain, in which Saudi Arabia would recognize Israel in exchange for significant progress towards full Palestinian statehood and some sort of security deal with the United States, such as favorable arms sales.