In perhaps one of the most obvious signs of domestic political opposition to Netanyahu forming, two left of center parties have agreed to merge; Meretz and Labour are joining to form the Democrats. Leftist divisions in Israel have meant that the overwhelming majority of seats in the Knesset are held by conservative or moderate parties, with left of center parties only holding a few in comparison. With two left leaning parties agreeing to join forces, they will be able to post a more credible alternative vision to Netanyahu whenever the next elections might be held.
The border situation with Lebanon remains quite tense. Hezbollah launched an attack which wounded eighteen Israeli soldiers, and Israel has maintained their own bombardment across the failure. American attempts at brokering some sort of agreement appear to be set for failure as of now. I suspect that a deciding point will be Netanyahu's planned visit to the United States, set for the end of July. That likely means a few more weeks of heavy mutual bombardment until Netanyahu can suss our American tolerance for an Israeli ground invasion of southern Lebanon.