Gabriel B
15 supporters
Middle East - February 02, 2024

Middle East - February 02, 2024

Apr 18, 2024

t long last, the American retaliatory strikes have started. In what is being billed as a first wave, American warplanes dropped dozens of munitions on a half dozen sites in Iraq and Syria. According to the United States, these made up the first of what will be several waves. The United States specified that this wave was meant to target Iranian logistics and supply lines. Depending on the effectiveness of these strikes, it could impact Iran's ability to keep groups operating in Syria and Lebanon (for instance, Hezbollah) supplied which will indirectly help Israel in their own current war. Given that Iran and their proxies had multiple days to evacuate, the odds of their being human casualties from these strikes were greatly diminished. Of note, Jordan is reportedly participating in these attacks. Jordan has slowly ramped up their intervention in the region over the past year or so, but their actions were largely constrained to strikes against smugglers along the border with Syria. While Jordan likely feels obligated to respond given that their territory was directly bombed, it is nevertheless noteworthy to see them publicly partake in this operation.

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