Gabriel B
15 supporters
Middle East - August 18, 2024

Middle East - August 18, 2024

Aug 19, 2024

Successful talks have never seemed further away. Israel is reportedly unwilling to agree to some key demands by Hamas, such as the withdrawal from Gaza's border with Egypt (referred to as the Philadelphi corridor). Hamas has squarely blamed Netanyahu for the failure of the talks, while Netanyahu has blamed Hamas. It's not surprising that talks which failed to include Hamas and other militias active in Gaza apparently failed. Their format seems to have been a last ditch effort to secure some kind of arrangement, perhaps hoping that the new format and a way to get the intermediaries to be on the same side as the United States and Israel would be enough pressure to effectively force an agreement upon Gaza. With the collapse of these talks, retaliatory strikes by Hezbollah and Iran are potential threats now, though it is possible that enough time may have elapsed for them to forgive and forget, in the name of not causing a broader regional conflict. Highlighting the increase in tensions was a suicide bombing in Trl Aviv.

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