The AIE Regulations guarantee the right of access to environmental information held by public authorities. This includes government departments, local authority bodies, and commercial and non-commercial State agencies.
AIE polymers are a new class of fluorescent chemosensors with aggregation-induced emission (AIE). AIE compounds are non-emissive or faintly emissive in solutions but become bright upon aggregation in certain solvents and solids.
AIE is a decision analysis framework that helps you determine the most important variables in a decision. Then, it picks out the ones worth measuring and shows you how to measure them. The result is a better, more informed decision.
The cross-disciplinary research on host-guest supramolecular interaction and AIE-active compounds has been flourishing recently. Wang et al. synthesized highly luminescent copper nanocrystals (Cu NCs) with a tetraphenylethylene-furan molecular skeleton exhibiting the AIE feature which exhibits a remarkable increase of fluorescence upon binding to hemagglutinin-tagged egg white lysozyme (HEWL) species.
In adult-onset AIE patients, small bowel biopsies were available for review in 14 of 15 cases. In all but one case, the biopsies showed classic histopathologic features of AIE as described previously in children including protracted diarrhea associated with severe villous atrophy that did not respond to dietary exclusion of gluten, cow’s milk, or eggs and circulating gut autoantibodies such as anti-enterocyte and/or anti-goblet cells 1. Histopathologic studies demonstrated increased mononuclear lamina propria inflammation in the deep crypt epithelium with lymphocytic infiltration in crypts and a paucity of plasma cell infiltrates 3. AIE should be distinguished from refractory celiac disease and IPEX syndrome 4. 4.
Autoimmune encephalitis is associated with memory loss, impaired cognition, behavioral changes, and seizures.
Other symptoms of AIE include intractable diarrhea (as seen in anti-NMDAR, AMPAR, and GABA(b)R antibodies), which can lead to weight loss, malnutrition, and serious infections including intestinal pseudomembranous colitis, pyloric ulcers, and sepsis [1] (see the image below). In one study, small bowel histopathology showed complete villous atrophy with graft versus host disease pattern, inflammation of the lamina propria, crypt abscesses, and loss of goblet cells.
It is important to screen for tumors in patients diagnosed with autoimmune encephalitis. Depending on the antibody, screening can include chest X-rays for lung tumors, an MRI of the pelvis, or a CT scan for ovarian teratomas in women with anti-NMDAR and AMPAR antibodies, or mammography and Pap smear in men with anti-Yo antibodies. Tumor resection may improve symptoms in some cases. Other long-term immunosuppression therapies like rituximab, cyclophosphamide, and tocilizumab may be used in some cases.
Autoimmune enteropathy can be difficult to diagnose in adults. This is because it is a rare disorder with intractable diarrhea which requires intravenous fluids. It is usually accompanied by significant weight loss and vomiting. The diagnosis is based on protracted diarrhea, intestinal villous atrophy, and circulating gut epithelial cell antibodies in adults. It should be considered in patients with severe unexplained malabsorption who fail to respond to food-exclusion diets.
AIE can be distinguished from Celiac disease histologically by crypt hyperplastic villous atrophy, increased crypt lymphocytosis, and lack of goblet cells and Paneth cells. Serologic tests for circulating gut epithelial cell antibodies, celiac serology, and anti-enterocyte antibodies help make the diagnosis.
Capsule endoscopy has demonstrated changes in the proximal small bowel in most cases but has also revealed involvement of the mid and distal small bowel in some patients. Immunotherapy produces symptomatic remission in the majority of patients with AIE. It should be tried in all patients with a history of AIE if there is a suspicion of an immune cause for the symptoms of sedation dentistry Birmingham al.
The treatment of AIE includes nutritional support and fluid replacement. In severe cases, people with AIE may need total parenteral nutrition (TPN) for long-term care. AIE can be treated with immune-suppressing drugs, including rituximab and cyclophosphamide
Autoimmune encephalitis is associated with antibodies that bind to cells in the brain. Symptoms vary depending on the type of antibody. Patients with autoimmune encephalitis may have seizures, behavioral changes, psychosis, or altered consciousness.
Adult onset AIE is rare and can be difficult to diagnose. Celiac disease is often excluded based on normal gd-IELs counts, absence of CD-related antibodies, and exclusion of known triggers such as losartan. Recent data suggests that loss of the balance between effector and regulatory T cells contributes to AIE in adults.