Guess what the eff I decided to do this weekend?
Yup! I sat down and watch not 1 but 3 cartoon films whom all held valuable life lessons.
In this article you will find:
How watching a cartoon movie can remind us of our hidden goals and desires.
Taking a walk down memory lane.
6 Tips on how to pick the right cartoon movie.
Shall we begin?
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk
First of all Miledys how old are you? Since you ask I turned 37 March of 2022, and yes I am very much into valuable content when I see it even when it shows up in "JUST FOR KIDS" mode.
Are we TOO OLD? Let's talk about it at even if you are not a parent you were a child therefore you will be able to recognize what we are about to discuss. Honestly we all enjoy watching meaningful television shows, listen to a podcast, watch a movies or YouTube and more to keep our conscious mind active and responsive at all times. Some tasks are more fun than others, while the not so fun immediately changes our mood and ability to absorb data. STAY with me here, when you were a child watching your favorite shows sparked tons of ideas you recreated or at least tried ( as long as it was safe, but we never listen right?). That could of been a simple drawing from PBS kids to creating slime because Nickelodeon taught us.
As humans we are inspired by instant gratification, this is helpful when we tune into a movie or TV show that brings us a positive outlook on life. Watching the movie "Turning Red" reminded me of all the children who are responsible for their families legacy. This was me at the age of 8 years old, the expectations were large, I had to choose between being a child or an adult. To be honest I had no choice LOL, mother experienced her first Stroke and it was a wrap for her health from that point.
Mei Lee ( in the red) is expected to be a 13 year girl who runs a family business, also became her mothers right hand man, obtain perfect grades and most importantly not like boys or have friends. DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR? For many of us we had the ability to explore what it was to be a child, while the rest of us may have had a few moments of fun and back to assisting the adults we go. Now Miledys, wait a minute how are we going to learn how to face this materialistic world if we do not learn responsibilities from a young age? I say build a balance, let's talk about YOU. Take a moment and think back on what inspired you the most growing up; was it what you saw, heard or felt? What motivated us to say "I want to learn how to ride a bike? Ice Skate or go do a backflip".
HINT: It may be all three we felt the inspiration when we saw or heard someone else excited on that specific desire. Its a collective effort.
The reality is now a days ADULTURING can be uninspiring and quite a challenge as our time is filled up with the noise from the world called responsibilities. As an entrepreneur and independent contractor myself tapping into my inner child wisdom allows me to balance the cool and uncool actions in my everyday life. Let's go a bit deeper, on our E-MOTION, they were regulated by our parents before the age 5. They tell us when to cry, laugh be sad and so forth. If you cry too much you may be labeled as weak or if you complained you were labeled ungrateful. While this may all have some truth it may have not been explained to our advantage. As children we are to listen to the adults and THAT IS ALL, without learning how to process our emotions. Leading to what we have today, emotional immaturity verse emotional intelligences. Read the above again slowly without any judgement.
I myself had to realize all of the aforementioned through therapy and reiki because ya girl did not cry even if the world depended on it. That was until it all returned. Like Mei mother in turning red, unprocessed emotions are suppressed until it no longer has room. Causing all sorts of confusion in many areas of life from health to relationships.
Photo by Alexas Fotos
What did you watch as a kid? When we go back and watch our childhood TV shows or movies it can be nostalgic in return creating an e-motion that can be used during our adult life.
Again this may not resonate with us all especially if you were not allowed to watch TV or even owned one. We still has music, books, art and school to tap back and grab the GOOD MEMORIES.
We tend to think of the bad times when we go to the past, call up a friend or family member who was around you during childhood and go back in time. This will assist in picking a film in 2022.
Let's be serious have a conversation with a child you are connected with they are sure to inform what movie are poppin and can in fact be your main source to the real message of the movie.
Go on Youtube and watch type in "Cartoon trailer" you will have tons of choices.
Of course the basic pick such as Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus (thank you to my two great friends who made this possible this weekend) and free YouTube movies.
The key is to detach from our adult life and enter into our inner child world reconnecting with who we truly are and re-inspiring ourselves to move forward in these mean streets (remember that book?).
I also watched Soul and Lucas both sharing similar messages about life and committing to our dreams. No matter what happens on our journey we are choosing EVERYDAY to bring it all come reality/
Enjoy the experiences and take someone along with you. It does not have to be a lonely one. My sister and I will be watching Encanto together (I seen it already but love it because of the magic).
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With Love & Cuban Spice-
Miledys Pons
Intuitive Spirit Shifter
Galactic Hoodbuddha LLC
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