Tension is in the air this weekend

Tension is in the air this weekend

Sep 16, 2021

I hope this email finds you in a great mood.

If you are feeling off and unmotivated that is okay and you deserve to explore that side of your life. We are all shifting, some people will adjust others will be annoyed and vice verse.

Venus in Scorpio will be squaring (creating a challenge, a test) with Saturn in Aquarius September 17. The way we feel about society and the role we play has been cloudy for a few days, weeks, months or even years. We are asking ourselves how can I contribute to my immediate community, we all do not have to be seen. However we would like to exercise some of our gifts simply because its fun, our PURPOSE IS ALWAYS HAPPEING . Purpose is washing the dishes, speaking to a friend. sleeping, cooking connected to the present moment. Big changes in our relationships and how others treat our boundaries. As well as confidence upgrade as we receive the clarity to let go of the past.

You are gifted how can you share it with others in a simple way?

When you are looking for your purpose stop and see what you are doing in the moment and give thanks. Master your gifts, explore opportunities this isbwhy Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto have been in retgrograde for a few months now. These are the collective planets how we all connected. The areas of work and society, knowlsdge/wisdom and expansion, our spiritual beliefs, money/self worth. All`in retrograde, what's working and what is not working?

We are already were we need to be, evolving brings in the energy of change for our next mission. Are you ready to share your energy with like-minded people who support you? Something is better then nothing and we all have soul tribes. You are not along 8/10 someone wants to build with you.



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