Affordable Weekly Fitness Classes are No ...

Affordable Weekly Fitness Classes are Now Available

May 23, 2022

Well May 2022 sure is going by pretty quick, the solar and lunar eclipse truly gave us a huge wake up call. With a hint of "Are you ready to shift your daily life experiences?", it will be back in October so hold on.

Hey ya'll Miledys here, I have some exciting news especially for those who work from home, I have partnered with JTW Fits to provide virtual party style workouts. Since 2012 fitness of all style has been party of my lifestyle, that includes yoga and meditation.

The dance fitness zumba classes are filled with world wide music genre and dance moves that will keep you wondering if this is truly a workout. More hip moves less squats!

See you this week!



With Love & Cuban Spice-

Miledys Pons

Intuitive Spirit Shifter

Galactic Hoodbuddha LLC

<63>[email protected]


Office Hours:

T, Thu, Fri 9am-12pm and 6pm-9pm

Sat 11am-4pm

"Jump-start your journey towards self-awareness"-G. HoodBuddha

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