2023 Innovative Steps-New Moon in Aquari ...

2023 Innovative Steps-New Moon in Aquarius ~ Endless Possibilities

Jan 11, 2023

Astrology Transit- New Moon in Aquarius in Your Chart!

What area of your life will the moon influence for the next six months?

Bonus Tips: We have 12 New Moon In each zodiac sign get ready to ground your intentions one new moon at a time.


Photo by Suzy Hazelwood

Opportunities: Developing inner and outer commitment 

Challenges: Forgiving and accepting our insecurities and limited belief system.  

We are swiftly beginning to have clarity on what our intentions are going to be for 2023 as the airy Aquarius New moon arrives. It will be on January 21, 2023 at 1°, which indicates that collectively we are all being pushed to visualize and dream big about our future. Start from scratch, use a physical or virtual vision board to express your emotions when it comes to your desires. Aquarius carries the energy of forward thinking while grounding both feet into the future. Ready to set those small intentions?

Getting into the intellectual part of the energy we are in the space of giving and receiving knowledge. What path of studies are you interested in? How will you choose to upgrade your current skills? Or will there be a new talent you would like to explore this year? 2023 is infusing the year with unseen possibilities when we take the first steps towards our dreams. Invite support during this journey signing up for courses, workshops, mentoring, teaching or coaching. Keep yourself grounded taking it one step at a time. With so much energy inspiring and motivating us we may leap rather quickly into all sorts of opportunities allowing yourself to take a pause before committing. 


By the time we arrive at this new moon Mercury has gone direct January 19th and FINALLY Mars after 2.5 months in social Gemini on January 12th we are in for a huge push. Not to mention Uranus also going direct HELLO it is time to call back our authentic energy after this long period of stagnation. Jupiter in Aries will not fall behind as it rushes all types of goodies, utilizing the energy towards what we love, enjoy and desire will add sprinkles on top. 

When you walk in your current community do you feel part of it? 

As I think back for myself I have spent 12 years in this community feeling like an outsider. No one is aware of the type of work I do, and many give me the stank eye due to my large dogs (hey a girl got to protect herself in NY). Why did I stay? My immediate family lived 3 minutes away walking distance and that was the community for me. Yet for work purposes as a Wellness Coordinator for over 20 years I was involved in many projects, 10+ communities in each borough throughout New York City. I was able to find the balance that my soul was looking for at the moment, which was to serve with compassion and receive wisdom (I worked a lot with senior citizens and children) . 

NOW! We are definitely exploring tribal energy as the Aquarius new moon asks us “Are your values and intentions still connected to your community? Or have they changed? What does community mean to me? Do I feel supported and safe here? Uranus is the planet of unexpected innovative changes and rules Aquarius, we will for sure feel the urge to do something different that aligns with what we are looking to experience in life NOW. With a notepad and some quiet time during this energy we can truly list what is serving us and what is not, to make space for what will be for 2023. Who do you want to attract into your life? Give the universe details!


Article: Emotional Foundation: Astrology and Your Moon Sign

Responsibility, authenticity, and active courage are here with the energy of Saturn the traditional ruler of Aquarius 24°  almost at the very end . We are being asked to put in a little bit of elbow grease for the next several months to bring your intentions into reality. Focus on the next 2 to 4 months, ask for help and do what you can. Connected with Venus bringing clarity on our value and self worth can shift our mindset dramatically. Release old habits and beliefs lingering in the subconscious mind.

With Love & Cuban Spice-

Miledys Pons 
Intuitive Spirit Shifter 
Galactic Hoodbuddha LLC 

[email protected]


(770) 239-6734

"Jump-start your journey towards self-awareness"-HoodBuddha

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