GP launches on Buy Me A Coffee

GP launches on Buy Me A Coffee

Sep 07, 2024

Hello everyone!

We’re happy to announce our launch on Buy Me A Coffee! An amazing site to easily connect to our possible pledgers and to further increase our reach.

About us

Ghent Photography, was founded in May 2021. Our mission is to capture the essence of the daily life in Ghent through our lens, offering unique perspectives that often go unnoticed by the average passer-by.

Ghent is a city brimming with hidden gems, and our goal is to uncover and showcase these extraordinary moments. We believe that even the seemingly ordinary scenes can hold extraordinary beauty and meaning when seen through the lens of a camera.

Continue reading about who we are, on our website.

The daily life in Ghent, 9000.

Why we’re launching on Buy Me A Coffee

Maintaining and hosting our website and iOS app, doesn’t come for free. However, we’re offering all our content for free, meaning we don’t have any income streams. We’re hoping to receive some pledges and membership subscribers, in order to help us offset the yearly hosting and developer fees.

Last year, our recurrent fees have risen above $220 / €200.

Pledging is, of course, not mandatory and we’re still thrilled you’re visiting our website, app and socials. But if you have some money left to spare, we would be so grateful if you would send a coffee our way :-)

In addition, moving our updates section from our website to Buy Me A Coffee, hands us a more centralised environment for our posts and the added possibility for our followers to get notified whenever a new update is available.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Ghent Photography

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