On Relationships...

On Relationships...

Nov 20, 2021

I heard a story earlier this week that made me realize something,


it made clear a thought that's been puttering around in my mind for a while now...


It seems, TO ME, that many people miss the "partnership" aspect of what monogamous, or any other form of consensual committed relationship is.

In the story that I heard, partner b had a specific, important financial need that needed to be met, and partner a had the means to meet said need, and actively chose not to. Which is fine. They are entitled to that choice. 

What doesn't make sense to me though, is if we are in a committed relationship, we choose to partner with each other, why that doesn't extend to resources? 

 The point of partnership is to share resources with each other, to split the burden of survival with someone you enjoy, trust, and love. Why would we then, not collaborate and share what we gain with each other so we can both enjoy life? What could you possibly gain from hoarding an abundance of resources from someone you supposedly love and care about?

I don't know (and by this I mean I actually do know I'm just frustrated we are still having these conversations) why we are so focused on competing with someone who we expect to share in the day to day burdens of this life with. It makes no sense to me. How can you bring in and enjoy continual/consistent abundance, in front of your chosen partner, and then be frustrated that they expect you to share said abundance freely with them? 

 Honestly, what would you expect?

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