The Dark Night Breakthrough Begins

The Dark Night Breakthrough Begins

Aug 08, 2024

Going through this experience honestly felt like some crazy obstacle course, facing the shadows, lots of tears, exhaustion, confusion, tantrums, fears, one after the other, but today I woke up on the “Lions Gate Portal” with renewed vigor and light. I feel as though I had a bit of a breakthrough and I am determined wth God to get through this. This song by the Doors rings true right now. I was talking to my Aunt the other day and she mentioned the song, and it is what I am feeling right now, it is fitting.

The breakthrough cannot be rushed and timing seems all over the place in my world, sometimes it just does not make sense. For example, I say things like, “Why didn’t I do this months ago?” I am realizing that timing, although it does not make sense to me is actually perfect. I need to rise above the noise, the distraction and break on through to the other side.

There is another song that I heard many months ago, that talks about the illusion of this world. I was surprised because I listened to this song so many times, not knowing that the words were clear and were speaking about a way to step out of this. These lyrics in the song say it so well. The song is called, “The Grand Illusion”

“So if you think your life is complete confusion
Because you never win the game
Just remember that it’s a grand illusion
And deep inside we’re all the same
We’re all the same”

I conteplated this, and so when you divide yourself and identify with really anything you are seperating. We are all the same, unity consciousness and heart energy will heal us. Think about it

No matter who we are, what we look like, what we believe we are part of something greater. Something with many names and something higher. I love how music really speaks to the heart, because it is a language we all understand and we can all relate to. It is something we attach to our memories, our first date perhaps, something we did that had the background song of our life. I love this song below by EVaDio because it speaks to Unity and love. I am heart energy today and dispelling the darkness. I am embracing light and the heart is the portal for love and peace.

If you are walking through Darkness, reach for something higher to walk with you. Reach out to the Divine, whatever this looks like to you. Remember, you are not alone. If you feel trapped, reach out to someone, you will be guided, listen to some uplifting music and go beyond yourself. Don’t give up. I fight another day with Celestial help. Shine bright.

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