A Free Symptom Checker - Medical Diagnos ...

A Free Symptom Checker - Medical Diagnosis Assistant

Mar 06, 2023


We are delighted to share our free-to-use ChatGPT-powered medical diagnostic and symptom-checking tool, MDxApp. Try it, share it; this is done for it!

MDxApp provides a blazing-fast diagnostic to medical doctors and individuals based on relevant information such as age, gender, pregnancy state, environmental and historical context, symptoms, observations, and test results conducted in the laboratory.

None of the provided data is saved or shared when using MDxApp. This is an entirely anonymous process.

MDxApp uses the ChatGPT AI model through the official API of OpenAI. MDxApp is free to use and will remain free to use for all. Donations only support MDxApp.

We hope MDxApp will be helpful and positively impact individuals' life.


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