G'day Folks,
On tonights episode of the General Knowledge Podcast i'm joined by Adam from the to go over what's been happening in Australia and the world of late.
Adam is based in Sydney so he's able to offer his perspective on goings-on south of the border from Queensland.
Both Sydney and Melbourne saw activists take to the streets on January 26th, Australia Day, in regards to protesting our national holiday celebrating our great nation and what it means to be an Aussie. These protestors, whilst I disagree with what they are protesting about on this occasion, deserve the right to protest and freedom of speech. Let that be clear.
Now what I would like to know is who is funding this movement and who is organizing this movement to cancel Australia Day and labeling it Invasion Day. Very disgraceful in my opinion. Adam and I shared our thoughts on this as well as how the government and corporations are NOT supporting the celebration of Australia Day but they'll celebrate every other day under the sun. The is intentional division being pushed on the public.
We also discuss the big push by Jewish interests in Australia to reinforce their so-called plight of antisemitism. Our government is now spending millions of dollars to build Jewish Holocaust museums in major cities in order to indoctrinate the youth and maintain the Holocaust story and continue to play the victim card.
So how do we get rid of the constant liberal labor opposames? We talked about the upcoming federal election and how it is actually possible to get freedom orientated parties and representatives into positions of power to hold the other major parties to account and perhaps block anything they try and do to strip freedoms from the people. Topher Field did a great video explaining this and it's IMPERATIVE to watch it and understand our preferential voting system we have in Australia. It must be shared to family and friends too. Link below!
We also re-capped on the LA Fires a bit more and chatted about the Trump administration and what's been happening in his first week of being President.
Grab the popcorn folks 2025 is going to be a wild ride.
Preferential Voting Video -