How Can You Support GeecheeThreat? 🧠🪄

How Can You Support GeecheeThreat? 🧠🪄

Nov 10, 2023

Because you all know it's already a lot to handle building or helping to build a business, you know how much more complex it is to build multiple, but you know my mind, and you all encourage me to shine in all three avenues.

As such, folks have been asking how they can help me, as November is my Birthday month, and with me turning 30, folks want to buy me a gift of some sort, and again, I thank y'all.

I accept all forms of 30, and I'm celebrating my Birthday from November to March, so gather your shillings! 🤣🤣🤣

($30, $300, $3,000, and $300,000 -- uh huh, y'all gon' head and just drop that any variation of those numbers there for a new Brain Stem of mine LMAOOOOOO 🧠🤣🤣🤣)

Two of my immediate family members weren't here to celebrate with me, but I hope that with me making it this far, that I can continue to make them proud.

That being said: The best gift(s) you all can bestow upon me are ones that are Investments into my career, my health, and my community so that growth can occur exponentially.

Here are a list of Actionables and Support that y'all can help me knock off my Leader List while I make sure that we hold this fort down, support our folks, make this generational wealth, and allow ourselves to bask in the happiness that our Ancestors lived, breathed, and died for, and that's real.

Donating Money 💸💪

Money is going to be easiest and most effective form of investment for me right now, especially as an Entrepreneur: I need it for my personal finances to do things like LIVE (rent, groceries, bills) and I need it for the business finances to fund well, the businesses 🤣🤣🤣. If I'm flaring up with seizures and am having a down day, I can lean in on one of my contractors to assist me while I rest, which is a HUGE way you can help me make sure I don't burn out.

Non-epileptic seizures are still seizures, and sometimes, it can take 24 hours - 72 hours to recover (or longer), depending on the level of stress I am experiencing, so any hands on deck to HELP ME REDUCE THAT is ALWAYS appreciated‼️

Donating Time and/or Labor 🕰️

There is always something to do or handle in my world, and Baby, I don't have the extra 6 arms and 8 pairs of legs I wish I had, so any additional bodies who can assist me can make sure they say hello, but you gotta make sure you send me a message first and let's see what magic we can create together. 🪄

Any folks who are tech savvy, in the Cannabis business, and/or are a Cybersecurity professional should most definitely throw a message my way.

Word of Mouth Marketing 📢📢📢📢📢📢

As much as y'all love for me to scream as loud as I do, when it comes to my businesses right now, I need as much amplification I can get to not ensure but to solidify my success, but I can't do that as one person, two people, or even three:

I need my Community to lean on in and help elevate me to where I deserve to be, and we all know that takes a VERY. BIG. VILLAGE. to ensure of that, but I'm not intimidated: I have y'all!!! 😂😂😂😂

With that being said,

I need AWARENESS 📢📢📢, and I need said AWARENESS to fly off the virtual handles like Taylor Swift tickets on Ticketmaster at 11:00:56, DO YOU HEAR ME, OR DO YOU HEAR ME?! 👂🏽👂🏽👂🏽


The easiest way you can join in on the adventure is to share my posts when you see them on whatever platform that may be. We all know that the algorithms are changing, but between social media sharing and Word of Mouth Marketing + Additional (Obvious) Marketing + My Very Loud Self, I know it's easy to achieve. Repost, Share, Share with your friends, share it via Carrier Pigeon and/or Air Balloon, listen -- do what needs to be done, PLEASE! 😂😂😂😂

There is a specific set of folks I would like to reach, so check that out below:

1. Teachers and Coaches who want to build an online business and profit via passive income model by using their expertise and skills for a high impact, high value product.

These are the ideal students we look for for Course Creator School. Between looming negativity and lack of appropriate compensation for stress, labor, and expertise, teachers are constantly being belittled when they should be elevated. CCS allows them to take their POWER back and PROFIT.

Coaches often repeat the same things over and over to clients both new and old, which means they're both coaching AND teaching, and that takes up TIME.

Time is the most valuable commodity you can't get back:

CCS allows Coaches the ability to leverage the passive income model so that they can return to doing what they love most (Coaching).

If this sounds like you, or you know someone that fits the bill, contact me and I'll send you a $50 Amazon Gift Card as a referral bonus (more on this later)!

Send Words of Encouragement or a Gift from my Wishlist(s)

Now, you all know I am always trying my hardest to support my Community as much as I can, but even I get tired, cranky, stressed, and need emotional support.

I'm a recovering perfectionist and someone who is truly embarking on things where I see no role models around me because the paths I often walk down are new and fertile for opportunity, but for me, that does allow for fear to arise.

Sometimes, I need y'all to let me know to keep going in spite of everything.

As far as gifts from my wishlist, you can check for updates on my BMAC wishlist, as most items I request in some sort of will be directly tied to my career...

...Okay, I lied, and maybe a few cooking items too because y'all know I love to cook and bake LMAO.

Support me in additional ways

If there's any other way you'd like to make my day, feel free. There's probably some things I'm missing and if so, don't hesitate to bring those to my attention and fulfill them. I'm sure I'll edit this one as I think of things.

Transmuting Pain and Passion to Power,

Mav 🪄

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