Fish Tagine Recipe

Fish Tagine Recipe

Oct 05, 2021

Fish tagine (4 people)

1 Fish 'Bonito'

3 carrots

2 big onions

3 potatoes

1 bell pepper handful of olives

1 lime or lemon

1 big piece of garlic

1 small hot paprika (optional)

a handful of chopped coriander

half of the glass of vegetable oil

Spices (1 tablespoon)

salt black pepper turmeric paprika ginger


Clean the vegetable, fish. Chop carrots put them in the dish, add chopped onion put them on top of carrots, add clean fish. Top the fish with the rest of the onion. Add salt, pepper, and ginger to the top of the fish. Take a spare glass add half of cup of oil, add a spoon of turmeric and paprika, mix it very well, add half at the top of the fish. Put tagine at the small to medium fire, add the lid. Meantime, chop the vegetables. add the on top of the tagine. Lastly, chopped coriander, tomato, olives, lemon, and put everything in the tagine add the rest of the oil with spices. Cook for 30-40 minutes. If vegetables in the tagine start to burn add some water, if tagine is too watery remove the lid and let the water evaporate. Check the vegetables with the fork, once it's done, serve it with bread. Enjoy!

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