G.C. Grain
3 supporters
With My Flock

With My Flock

Jul 19, 2021

They all think they are better than me. They all think they are stronger than me. Some just look at me and start sniggering, before I have even done or said anything. This is so frustrating! Why is this happening!! My species is not that different from other Flying-type Pokémon. We also have wings, most of us have feathers and beaks, and we all are priced by one trainer or another. Why is it then that the moment people lay their eyes on me specifically that they think that I am some kind of bath towel that they can just throw around! That they think that I am not a threat to them. Think that I cannot do them any harm! If they only knew what would happen if I unleashed my full potential, they would be wetting their pants by just thinking about me! I would be the subject of legends, of horror stories, and everything in between. One light flap of my right wing can dislocate houses, cars, and Meganium. And if I am together with my flock, tsk, there is just no limit to what we can do. Power is ours! We can rule the world! Ooh look, a piece of bread.

This text is inspired by this Pokémon card of Pidove.
Illustration by Vicky Georgiadou

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