Hey everyone! Thanks for visiting my page. This is entirely dedicated to trying to make more of my current living from my painting practice, which you might have heard is quite difficult! Many artists today struggle immensely to be able to find enough time between higher-paying gigs, or different jobs entirely, to put towards their own personal practice. I thought I would give ongoing Crowdfunding a shot to see if it might allow me to prioritize it more in my life.
I also deeply believe in paying artists directly, as I've been trying to catch up on, whether it be by going to their concerts, buying their albums/paintings/books/etc, and overall just being aware of the pressures today that come with any artistic endeavor.
The different membership levels on this page will allow me to prioritize my art more in my life, and I'd love it if you'd consider it! I've been painting on and off for a long time, and I hope that as I continue to get older, it will be more on than off!
Thanks for reading all!
Also, if you'd like to see all of my current paintings for sale, click here. If you'd like to see my animation or illustration professional work, click here. Last but definitely not least, if you'd like to see my online teaching portal, that I've named The Animation Tutor, you can click here. I've taught young artists from across the globe and have helped many with their art portfolios for College and University.
Painting I made of an alleyway in Lisbon, Portugal from a trip in 2018.