Purposeful Action

Purposeful Action

Jul 16, 2021

I was a part of a great discussion today about taking action. It is a necessary element for success but the action has to be purposeful. People are in action every day trying to obtain their goal but always seem to just spin their wheels never getting closer to achieving it. Why? Because it's not just about doing things, but about doing things in a certain way!

In the book The Science of Getting Rich Wattles wrote, "Every act can be made strong and effective by holding your vision while you are doing it and by putting the whole power of your faith and purpose into it". I dedicated chapter two of Moving Upstream Without a Paddle - A Brief Guide to a Successful Mindset to action because it truly is an important part, but only if it is done in a certain way.

Curious about what that certain way looks like? Reach out to me through the link below and let's have a discussion. Purposeful action does not always equate to more effort. Price Pritchett wrote in You2 (squared), "If you want to make a quantum leap, quit thinking about trying harder. More effort is not the answer."


You can get Moving Upstream Without a Paddle - A Brief Guide to a Successful Mindset from the below.



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