Roles & Rolls: Colossal Expansion Books ...

Roles & Rolls: Colossal Expansion Books for DnD 5E Heads to Kickstarter

Jul 29, 2022


5E Expansion Book Set; New classes, subclasses, factions, villains & monsters, new spells & magical items, new chasing rules and many more.

Game Geeks News is proud to bring you another great gaming project coming soon to Kickstarter. Dungeons and Dragons are the World’s oldest and most beloved role-playing game. So what could add to its worlds of adventure? When asking that question, we came up with many small things. Subtle new characters, settings, tweaks, one-shot adventures, and a hundred tiny details can add so much to this amazing game.

That’s what DreaMers and Players have created. Ultimately, they filled four books of crafted guidance, cunning new rules, bold settings, and beautiful art. We think like gazing at a work of art in class and seeing each chisel mark or brush stroke. You’ll be amazed at how the Bounty Hunter class or a One-Shot Dungeon will make your campaign complete.


Stretch Goals

Four books aren’t enough to hold all the adventures in place (perhaps they should have used a bag of holding instead of a publisher). So DreaMers and Players will be offering stretch goals to expand on the bountiful treasures they are already offering.

No mere minor changes or a couple of additions, you can unlock new books and fun new rules such as chasing rules & chasing encounter cards, dozens of maps, and even a mighty adventure to grow your party from level 1 to 20. 

For a full breakdown of the complete set of books and rewards available, check out their crowdfunding page on Kickstarter.


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