Decide to Make your Change…

Decide to Make your Change…

Jul 19, 2024

“When you decide to change things, things start to change” — Gabriel Fagade

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Hey Family, hope you’re doing well! Let’s have a quick Friday talk before the day gets busy.

In my personal experience, I have noticed that when you make up your mind to change things, things from there on begin to change.

And if you can sustain the momentum, you alter the state of change forever.

This is most especially true with our personal lives. Maybe because it's ours! And we literarily have the control over everything that happens in that space.

You are the commander of your life. Begin to Take Charge

Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

For example, I wanted to write a book a decade ago for the global audience on how to make sure that our children know about wealth creation as they grow with us. And I did it even though I wasn’t an author prior to that time.

I was able to figure out all the needed steps to take, went through all the needed research and the most difficult part — to sit down to write!

It eventually happened and the book got published on Amazon after many months of that decision and the sustained decision to get it going!

Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash

I have since then approached every other thing important to me in a similar manner.

Be it the issue of Health, Spirituality, Relationship, Financial Freedom and Career Success using the same approach. And it works!

You can read and get the book here:

Investment for Kids

INVESTMENT FOR KIDS Raising the Next Generation Money Masters This book is intended to be for reference and guide to…

So, why does it work that way? I don’t know.

But I can make few guesses,

  • We Master Builder and Strategists of our lives: And when we decide to take control and in agreement with God, he gives us the backing to make the change that’s required.

  • Man’s spirit is powerful: The Holy book called it the candle of the Lord. And when the candle is on, light must begin to shine where darkness has otherwise existed!

  • Shift Happens from Within: You cannot make any sustained shift in your life until it happens from within. When that decision happens within and it’s influence is sustained it comes out to the physical for outward manifestation.

Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash

Enough of the sermonization! What do you do with this?

  • Make upon your mind to change whatever you are not happy with right now in your life and see the change begin.

  • Look at the key areas of life pillars — Spiritual, Marital, Health, Career, Financial and any other ones that matter to you and begin to push for the change you want to see.

You may not see the change immediately, but when you sustain the push, the shifty happens!

“When we sustain the push, the shift Happens!”

— Gabriel Fagade

On a separate note, I released a Sci-Fi novel into the global space June 29, 2024. It’s a book worth a read to help push through possibilities. Get a copy and share with your friend to do same.

In there, you’ll:

  • Escape to a vibrant world: Immerse yourself in a breakthrough world

  • Unravel the Mysteries: Join the protagonist on a thrilling adventure

  • Get Inspiring Themes: Discover the power of hope, resilience and the human spirit

  • Enjoy Unputdownable Storytelling: Get hooked on a fast-paced narratives with twist and turns!

You deserve a copy — Get it Now!

Whatever you decide to do is your decision. But you can appreciate the contents of this write-up in ways below at Buymeacoffee. These are needed to continue to bring good quality writing into this space to benefit all.

Till we catch up again.

Enjoy your Friday!

Change Your Life


Sustainable Development

Science Fiction

Money Management

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