New course from Michelle Mozes

New course from Michelle Mozes

Sep 15, 2024

Becoming the One

Michelle Mozes' has a new course!

It's $499 for the next 5 days before it goes up to $699

Q: I’m just starting a business. I’m currently in a 9-5. The idea of going off on my own is terrifying, I don’t know how I’m going to package and sell my services to an audience that doesn’t exist yet. Can this help me get off the ground?

A: This will help you a lot with getting your messaging and vibe down from day 1 in order to grow a brand with a customer base that can’t get enough of you. I walk you through how to sell, and how to productize your services so that your dream customer sees the value. I recommend watching the modules a few times. You got this!

The Rising Designer

This is her other course for designers - more focused on starting your business and becoming a CEO

This one is $495

Q: How is this different from your other course, The Rising Designer?

The Rising Designer is more focused on entering that CEO mindset to run your own business as a designer. Becoming the One takes it to the next level; set impossible goals, raise your standards, become the authority and leader in your industry, raise your rates even more while lessening your workload, build not just an audience but a HOT AUDIENCE that is so excited to buy what you sell…these are topics The Rising Designer doesn’t get into as deeply. This was also created at an entirely new, elevated energy level.

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