TraumaFell Prologue

TraumaFell Prologue

Dec 07, 2023

"Papyrus!! No! Stop!!"

Snap! Drop. Roll...


Tears streamed her cheeks as she dropped the knife to the ground, eyes shaking as pupils dilated. She was silent as she stepped back slowly while the tall skeleton monster slowly turned to dust before her eyes.

The older, shorter of the two brothers rushed over, staring down at the mess with a hurt and broken gaze as his younger brother's dust carelessly blew away.

"I..." Was all she could get out at the moment, which drew Sans's eyes toward her. But he didn't look angry. There was no rage or hate there... only pain. "I'm sorry..." She muttered through trembling lips.

He said nothing as a tear slid down his cheek. He knew why she did it. He knew why his brother deserved it and yet here she was apologizing to him for acting in fear and self defense. But what could she do? What could he do? This world has always been... hurt or be hurt... kill or be killed.

"I'll make it right."


She turned, darting off back towards town, back toward the glowing golden star that flickered in town by the shops.

Sans's eyes widened and his hand reached out as if to stop her but the skeleton still never moved, simply dropping down instead to gaze at the ever vanishing pole of dust that swirled around and vanished. Sans cupped his hands to his face and sobbed.

There it was, the SAVE star. She found it, the last place she started at. She hovered her palm out near the glowing light. A warm feeling emanated from it as she bathed in the soothing feeling for only a moment, before it faded and they appeared before her eyes. The words.


She heaved a small sigh, gazing at them as a bright light warmed her SOUL that came from the star. Her have moved over to LOAD and she gently, hesitantly... reluctantly... touched it.

In that moment that her hand mad contact, a new area filled her line of view. No longer was she in Snowdin, but an area bathed in that white glove which illuminated everything around her. All accept for a few screens. Each screen had a different, short little 'movie' that played on it. A micro animation of specific events that played moments before the SAVE took place.

Her gaze darted around them until she made her choice, deciding on the second farthest back in time. After getting free of the ruins. Like hell she was going to go through that hell again...

With a bit more reluctance, she moved towards the screen and reached out her hand as her arm barely stretched forth towards it. Simply placing her hand on it and closing her eyes. "LOAD..."

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