Fraser Gartshore
166 supporters
Buy Me a Cuppa!

Buy Me a Cuppa!

May 25, 2021

image Hello folks!

After a good few recommendations from fellow YouTube organists, here I am on Buy Me a Coffee, or in my case, Buy Me a Cuppa (I don't drink much coffee - I'm a typical tea-drinking Brit!).

My very own Hauptwerk digital organ console is up and running and I'm busy creating a LOT of new content, not only for the YouTube channel, but also for all our supporters. In addition to the "regular" subscription possibilities on offer (Patreon etc.), I have now added BMC for those who just want to say thanks with a small donation to our "organic" work. As always, all donations are reinvested into the channel, covering items such as equipment to help create better content or travel expenses to visit new instruments for the channel.

Thank you for your support! See you online, F!

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Buy Fraser Gartshore a cuppa

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