Blender tip: Use Backface Culling to hid ...

Blender tip: Use Backface Culling to hide the backsides of Faces

Dec 01, 2022

Hi everybody, in this quick tutorial I'll be showing you how to enable the Backface Culling option to hide the backsides of Faces.

It's very important to enable this option if you build 3D models to be imported into Unity and build your own games because it allows you to see what Faces are actually hidden in the project and fix it by adding the missing ones in Blender, before exporting your objects into FBX format and drag them into Unity

Let's start, and let's pretend your 3D object has a hole, or a missing face, like the one below:


As you can see, Blender still shows you all the faces of the cube, but if you export this model into an FBX file, for instance, the right, left, and back faces will be invisible while rotating the object on the X axis

So, in order for you to see what faces will actually be hidden in your own model, expand the panel on the top-right corner of the 3D Viewport window and enable the Backface Culling option, as shown below:


Now the view changed and you're allowed to see what faces get hidden in your model. This is what happened to my object:image

That's all for this tutorial, I hope you enjoyed it!

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