Dear groovy Forest School folk,
I started my YouTube channel as an experiment during lockdown (and with a bubba!) – I figured if I couldn’t chat about Forest School with people in real life then I’d chat to a camera and put it out there in case it was useful to anyone. Two years and nearly 2 and a half thousand subscribers later I’m amazed at how far we’ve come and want to thank everyone who has supported us.
My intention with the channel has always been to support Forest School practitioners and those currently in training. However it has recently occurred to me that I have never directly asked you what sort of support you need!
I’m really curious about what are the biggest challenges and frustrations you face working as a Forest School Leader?
If you are willing to help me understand your needs better, please could you answer 6 questions on my survey -
Please feel free to share this with any other Forest School folk that you know and who might be interested in helping me.
Thank you for your continued support and for sharing the Forest School grooviness with everyone you work with.
Wishing you many wild autumnal adventures this half term.
Lou (& Lily-Roe)